Briefly explain about IF Condition?


    If condition is a logical test where, where we can use to analyse the data

    This function having 3 arguments


    (i) Logical Test: This the condition


    (ii) Value If True: If condition is satisfied TRUE value is considered


    (iii)Value If False:If condition is not satisfied FALSE value is considered


    IF Condition Syntax



    1)If Condition is satisfied True value is displayed

    2)If Condition is not satisfied False value is displayed


    In how many ways we can find the IF Function in Excel sheet?


    Method # 1: Typing the function in Blank Cell:



    We can locate IF function at below mentioned place


    Method # 2: Formulas Tab - Function Library Group - Logical Sub Group - IF function






    Example - How to conclude Pass or Failed Students


    By using IF function we can conclude "Pass" or "Fail" students

    Student who secures more than 35 marks falls under the category of PASS else FAIL



    Example - Grade stocks




    If-Function reaching of Target



    If-Function: Min & Max Values