What is meant by TABLE?

  • Database is the collection of tables.

  • A table (entity or relation) is a collection of rows and columns (or) A table is a rectangular row/column arrangement of data values


  • A table (entity or relation) is a collection of rows and columns (or) A table is a rectangular row/column arrangement of data values

  • Each table consists of Unique Name in Data base(Duplciation of name not allowed)

  • Each Table comprises rows and columns
  • ROWS: also termed as RECORD\TUPLES.
  • COLUMNS: also termed as FIELDS\ATTRIBUTES.
  • Intersection of row & column must be atomic [single]
  • Table has at least 1 Column
  • Max Column = 255
  • Can have any number of rows
  • Table Structure


    Classifiation of Tables:


    There are two types of tables

    1.User Tables:Consists of Database Management system information

    2.System Tables:Consists of Database description, maintained by DBMS

    Rules to create Table



  • A database can have minimum of 1 table and Max of 2 Billion tables.

  • The table name should start with “Alphabet”

  • Spaces & Special symbols are not allowed except (_ underscore)

  • A table name can contain maximum of 128 characters
  • A table can contain maximum of 1024 cols
  • No limit for rows


    State the syntax to create a TABLE:

    Syntax - Create Table

    Create Table <Table name>
    (Column1 data type [(size)],
    Column 2 data type [(size)]….)

    NOTE: Mentioned in square bracket [ ] is optional



    Q: Write a Query to create a SALES table with the columns of “company, Qty, price, Sector”

    Copy the code - to Create SALES Table

    Create table sales
    (Company varchar (15),
    Qty int,
    Price int,
    Sector Varchar (10))



    Q: Write a Query to create a CONTACT table with the columns of “company name, location, Organizer”?


    Copy the code - to Create CONTACT Table

    Create table Contact
    (Company varchar (11),
    Location Varchar(10),
    Organizer Varchar(10))



    State the procedure to ALTER the structure of Table


    After defining the Table structure, we can ALTER the Table structure by: 1)Adding the Column 2)Editing the Column 3)Deleting the Column



    Add a Column:




    Q: Write a Query by adding “STATUS “column to “Contact” table?


    1)Create CONTACT table

    Copy the code - to Create CONTACT Table

    Create table Contact
    (Company varchar (11),
    Location Varchar(10),
    Organizer Varchar(10))


    2)Add STATUS column to CONTACT table

    Copy the code - to Alter CONTACT Table

    Alter table contact add Status varchar(11)

    STATUS column has been added to previous table.


    Alter a Column:


    This is used to change the:

    • Data Type of Column
    • Data Size of Column


    Q: Write a Query to change Data type and data size of “location” column in CONTACT table?

    Syntax - to Alter Data type and size of Location Column

    Alter table contact alter column location char(15)

    Note: previously data type is Varchar now it was replaced with Char and size previously 10 now replaced with 15.

    Delete Column

    To delete a column DROP command is used

    Q: Write a Query to drop column of “Status” in “Contact” table?

    Syntax - to DROP column of STATUS

    alter table contact drop column Status


    STATUS column has been deleted.


    Rename a Table & Column: SP_RENAME:


    It is used to Re-name a column

    Syntax: SP_Rename ‘Tab_Name.Col_Name’, ‘New_Col’

    It is used to Re-name a Table

    SP_Rename ‘Old table Name’, ‘New Table Name’