Calculation of Age By using VBA Macros


    Functions Used:

  • Year Function
  • Month Function
  • Day Function
  • DateDiff Function
  • DateSerial Function
  • Created Custom function:

  • User can use the custom function in Macro enabled workbook or copy and paste the code into the workbook which consists of data

    Created Workbook Addin:

  • User can download the addin and import into the workbook
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    Sub Calculation_Of_Age()
    Dim R As Integer
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
    For R = 2 To Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    BY = Year(Cells(R, 1))
    BM = Month(Cells(R, 1))
    BD = Day(Cells(R, 1))

    CY = Year(Cells(R, 2))
    CM = Month(Cells(R, 2))
    CD = Day(Cells(R, 2))
    '===========Days difference==========
    If CD > BD Then
    D = CD - BD
    End If

    If CD = BD Then
    D = 0
    End If

    If CD < BD Then
    D = DateDiff("d", DateSerial(CY, CM - 1, BD), DateSerial(CY, CM, CD))
    D = D - 1
    CM = CM - 1
    End If

    '===========Months Difference==========

    If CM > BM Then
    M = CM - BM
    End If

    If CM = BM Then
    M = 0
    End If

    If CM < BM Then
    M = DateDiff("M", DateSerial(CY - 1, BM, BD), DateSerial(CY, CM, CD))
    CY = CY - 1
    End If

    '===========Year Difference==========

    Y = CY - BY

    Cells(R, 3).Value = Y
    Cells(R, 4).Value = M
    Cells(R, 5).Value = D
    MsgBox "Calculated The Age"
    End Sub

    Code For Custom Function

    Function Age(BirthDate, CurrentDate)
    BY = Year(BirthDate)
    BM = Month(BirthDate)
    BD = Day(BirthDate)

    CY = Year(CurrentDate)
    CM = Month(CurrentDate)
    CD = Day(CurrentDate)
    '===========Days difference==========
    If CD > BD Then
    D = CD - BD
    End If

    If CD = BD Then
    D = 0
    End If

    If CD < BD Then
    D = DateDiff("d", DateSerial(CY, CM - 1, BD), DateSerial(CY, CM, CD))
    D = D - 1
    CM = CM - 1
    End If

    '===========Months Difference====

    If CM > BM Then
    M = CM - BM
    End If

    If CM = BM Then
    M = 0
    End If

    If CM < BM Then
    M = DateDiff("M", DateSerial(CY - 1, BM, BD), DateSerial(CY, CM, CD))
    CY = CY - 1
    End If

    '===========Year Difference====
    Y = CY - BY
    Age = Y & " Years, " & M & " Months, " & D & " Days"
    End Function