• SERIES is a single dimentional array
  • SERIES is accompanied by labels called INDEX
  • import pandas as pd
  • q = pd.Series([5,6,7,1,8])

    Create series with Index:


  • q = pd.Series([5,6,7,1,8], index = ['apple','banana','grapes','papaya','mosambi'])

    Pandas - Create series without Index



    Pandas - Create series with Index



    Pandas - retrive series values and index



    Pandas - slicing of series



    Pandas - slicing of rows - not in sequential order



    Pandas - slicing of range



    Pandas - Multiplication of series with operators



    Pandas - Create another series and add both



    Pandas - series slicing



    Pandas - ensure Isnull


    import pandas as pd
    q = pd.Series([5,6], index = ['apple','banana'])


    Pandas - Sum Jan and Feb sales series


    import pandas as pd
    jan = pd.Series([5,6], index = ['apple','banana'])
    feb = pd.Series([10,11], index = ['apple','banana'])


    Pandas - Split Series data with expand feature




    Pandas - Limit the number of splits